Why I'm writing a book about coding on Android - My coding journey

Why I'm writing a book about coding on Android - My coding journey

A deep look into how I got into coding, and why I'm writing a book about coding on Android devices.

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I know this is somewhat unusual, but I'm writing a book solely about coding on Android phones (for starters). I started writing this quite a long time ago, but I've not been consistent, and that's why till now, I've not completed the book. I even decided at some point that I wasn't writing it anymore. But for some reason, I'm going back to that. And no, I won't leave it this time until I finish it.

But why did I start writing the book in the first place?

Well, I did because I felt there was a need for it. I started learning to code in April 2020, and all I had then was just my phone, so I had to make do with it. That day, we had just gone on a holiday from school due to the COVID-19 lockdown. I was on Google Play Store and came across a coding app named SoloLearn, which had the description: Learn to code for free.

I was surprised, as I had always thought that one could only code with a laptop or desktop computer. Also, I had always believed that coding is hard, so having a chance to get into it was something I yearned for, as I'm someone who loves to do the hard things. I immediately downloaded the app and got started.

My first steps at coding

Then, I didn't know about any technologies, programming languages, or frameworks. I only knew that coders wrote a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols that made others feel intimidated. I loved the sight of codes, and I wanted to know about them. Downloading the Sololearn app was my chance.

Luckily, I started at a good point. I started with HTML, even though I hadn't researched anything about learning to code. I just wanted to have that feeling of being a coder.

I soon began to research learning to code and the different aspects of coding. I started to read tutorials online and watch YouTube videos. That was where the problem started.

There was barely any YouTube Tutor that used Android for coding. I, of course, shouldn't expect that. Nobody likes problems. And using an Android phone for coding when you could use a widescreen device makes no sense.

My first javascript project

At that point, I was already learning JavaScript. I was still using SoloLearn to learn, but I didn't enjoy writing code too much in the app, although my perspective about their concise and detailed text tutorials remains the same. I had to find a good code editor. I switched from one to the other as there were many options, and I couldn't figure out which one to use. After weeks of testing and usage, I settled with Quoda, which I thought was the best then.

I used Quoda to write my first complete JavaScript project, which was a simple calculator I created after watching a YouTube video by Web Dev Simplified. I made some additions to it. You can view mine here. Make sure to reduce the size of your browser window or view on mobile. I created the app on an Android device. So, it's not very responsive.

To cut the story short, I later started learning some advanced JavaScript, and most of the YouTube Tutors whose videos I watched used the console, which was part of the developer tools that came with desktop browsers. I needed to use this too. But of course, it wasn't available in mobile browsers. So, I had to find a solution.

I came across Eruda, and it was perfect for my purpose. I just needed a console, and it provided just that. Then, I am using SPCK editor, and it was good, very similar to VSCode in many ways. It even had support for version control by default. With it, I built two more JS projects, a snake game and a TicTacToe game.

I continued to learn all of my stuff on Android, including PHP, JQuery, and MySQL, until I got access to a laptop last year (2021).

How the thought of writing the book began

Last year, I held a free local online class focusing mainly on HTML, and I got students from social media. I noticed that most of the people who joined the class used mobile devices to follow up with the tutorials. I had previously thought there were little to no people who did the same thing as me. Little did I realize that the developers who created coding apps for mobile wouldn't do it if there were no market there. I soon decided to put all I've learned about coding on mobile devices into a book.

I know what it means to code with a phone. I learned all of my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using one. It was a chance for me to write something from my experience. It wasn't an easy feat, specifically when all video tutorials I watched on YouTube featured the use of widescreen computers (laptops and desktops). Sometimes I had to spend days trying to figure out how to replicate what a tutor had done within seconds. An example would be when I needed a free alternative to XAMPP to run PHP and didn't want anything complex.

I tried to find a resource, maybe a website or book, that focused solely on coding on Android, but there was none. So, I decided to make one. That was on Friday, October 15, 2021. I created an outline and began to write.

The book is focused on web development since it's my area of specialization, and it's what I learned using my Android phone. I was determined to make the book as detailed as possible. I wanted to create a book containing everything a beginner needs to learn web development using an Android device. I even started digging into some things I never used whenever I found they could be of help.

I continued to research, write and think about how I could make the book better until I got to a point when I began to feel like I should stop writing.

Why I stopped writing the book

I stopped writing the book when I asked this question on Quora.

I didn't get as many answers as I thought I would, and the only one I had gotten to the question then didn't even encourage my work on the book, so I decided to stop, as the effort might not be worth it.

Why I'm writing the book again

I recently had planned to hold a JavaScript class. But for some reason, I decided not to do so anymore, at least for now. One reason was that I didn't have enough resources to handle video recording and editing. Another reason was that it had been quite a long time since I last did an intensive JavaScript coding. So, I decided to brush up my skills, do more blogging, and complete the book since I had already written so much (over 40 pages), and I wouldn't want to waste my efforts.

I'll make the book my first paid info product. I hope to go deeper into content creation and maybe create the JavaScript course I planned to do if I experience enough success with the book. I might even go on YouTube. I started a YouTube channel some time ago and created and uploaded a couple of videos with my phone. You can check it out here

The number of people who get the book when it launches will determine how much success I experience with it since I'll sell it at a low price point. I also need support to do the things I mentioned earlier and some I didn't. So, please help get the word out by sharing this article on your various social media channels. You can use the links below.

Thanks for sharing.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you want to read more about the book, particularly how much progress I'm making with it, what I'll include in it(detailed), and how to get it when it launches, visit this page.

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I'm currently on a #100daysofBlogging challenge. You might not want to miss that. So, once again, remember to follow me @Abdulramonjemil on Twitter. And once again, thanks for reading.